A precise direct georeferencing system for UAVs

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Title:Main Title: A precise direct georeferencing system for UAVs
Description:Abstract: A georeferencing of the collected data is required for many unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV)-based remote sensing applications in the fields of surveying, precision farming, infrastructure inspection or geography. This georeferencing can generally be done indirectly using ground control points, or directly using an on-board sensor system. Since an indirect georeferencing is very time consuming and also not available in real time many users would prefer a direct georeferencing. However, UAVs do mostly only have a C/A code GPS and a low-cost IMU on board. Even if this sensor combination enables a rough navigation of the UAV it does not allow for a precise direct georeferencing. Thus, the development of a precise direct georeferencing system for lightweight unmanned aerial vehicles is currently in great demand. In this contribution a new developed direct georeferencing system for lightweight UAVs is presented, which is designed to (1) enable a precise position and attitude determination (position accuracy σ<5cm, attitude accuracy σ<1deg), (2) to be applicable on lightweight UAVs and (3) to be real-time capable for sampling rates >10 Hz. Generally, the system combines a dual-frequency GPS receiver, a tactical grade IMU, a single-frequency GPS receiver and a real-time processing unit on one board. Both, the RTK-GPS (real-time kinematic) and the attitude determination software are in-house developed and show good performances in first flight tests.
Identifier:10.5880/TR32DB.KGA94.6 (DOI)
Responsible Party
Creators:Christian Eling (Author), Lasse Klingbeil (Author), Heiner Kuhlmann (Author)
Contributors:Juliane Bendig (Editor), Georg Bareth (Editor), Transregional Collaborative Research Centre 32 (Meteorological Institute, University of Bonn) (Data Manager), University of Cologne (Regional Computing Centre (RRZK)) (Hosting Institution)
Publisher:Geographisches Institut der Universität zu Köln - Kölner Geographische Arbeiten
Publication Year:2014
Subjects:Keywords: UAV, Remote Sensing, Geodesy
DDC: 550 Earth sciences
File Details
Data Type:Text - Book Section
Sizes:9 Pages
1217 Kilobytes
File Size:1.2 MB
Date:Issued: 14.04.2014
Mime Type:application/pdf
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Constanze Curdt
Metadata Created:17.04.2014
Metadata Last Updated:17.04.2014
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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