Quantifying and modeling crop growth heterogeneity at the field scale

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Title:Main Title: Quantifying and modeling crop growth heterogeneity at the field scale
Description:Abstract: Spatial patterns of crop growth within fields require particular attention when precision agricultural techniques are applied to optimize crop management. Our study aimed at quantifying heterogeneous crop growth at the field scale and to simulate it with a dynamic crop growth model to understand the processes inducing this spatial variability in greater detail. To identify crop growth heterogeneity we measured gas exchange (CO2 and H2O), and took biomass and leaf area index (LAI) samples at biweekly intervals during the vegetation periods from 2011 to 2013. These measurements were conducted in winter wheat, winter barley and sugar beet fields located in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany. Since we assumed that soil heterogeneity was the most influencing factor we also determined the apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) with electromagnetic induction (EMI), soil texture (laboratory analysis), and soil moisture (ECH2O 5TE sensors). Our results showed that variability in ECa can be used as a proxy for characterizing spatial heterogeneity in soil water holding capacities. We also found that spatial growth and LAI patterns of sugar beet, winter wheat and winter barley correlated well with the ECa measurements (r2=0.5-0.8). These patterns were temporally stable during the vegetation periods but under limited water conditions the spatial crop growth patterns were most distinct due to water and nutrient stress. However, seasonal variations in the correlations between ECa and crop growth characteristics were observed. First simulations with the crop growth model GECROS coupled with the soil model SLIM indicate that this model is capable of reproducing spatial heterogeneity in crop growth as influenced by variability in soil physical conditions.
Responsible Party
Creators:Anja Stadler (Author), Sebastian Rudolph (Author), Moritz Kupisch (Author), Matthias Langensiepen (Author), Frank Ewert (Author)
Publisher:CRC/TR32 Database (TR32DB)
Publication Year:2015
TR32 Topic:Vegetation
Related Subproject:B5
Subjects:Keywords: Plant Growth, Crop/s, EMI, Spatial Heterogeneity, Modelling
File Details
Data Type:Text - Text
File Size:11.2 MB
Date:Created: 10.09.2014
Mime Type:application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.presentationml.presentation
Data Format:MS PowerPoint
Download Permission:Only Project Members
General Access and Use Conditions:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Access Limitations:According to the TR32DB data policy agreement.
Licence:[TR32DB] Data policy agreement
Specific Information - Presentation
Presenter:Anja Stadler
Presentation Date:17th of September, 2014
Presentation Type:Talk
Event:Tagung der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften
Event Type:Conference
Event Location:Vienna, Austria
Event Duration:16th of September, 2014 - 18th of September, 2014
Event Website:http://www.gpw.uni-kiel.de/de/jahrestagung/jahrestagung-2014/einladung
Metadata Details
Metadata Creator:Anja Stadler
Metadata Created:09.01.2015
Metadata Last Updated:09.01.2015
Funding Phase:2
Metadata Language:English
Metadata Version:V50
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Dataset Statistics
Page Visits:393
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Dataset Downloads:6
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